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About me

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I’ve always loved animals.  There’s really no beginning to that story.  My inspiration and passion for animals just comes from everything about them.  

I’ve always loved art.   There's really no beginning to that story either.   I draw every day and always have.  


Every day my beloved border collie, Zeagle, was with me in the studio.  He was my life model when I need to see details of an eye, the perspective of a nose or jaw, the positioning of a paw, or the curl of fur.   And now we have Ranger.... he's wonderful and learning so much every day! 

dog drawing in pencil philadelphia artist radicchi

"The Critic"

Zeagle at work with his wine!



too young to drink & criticize (smile)

I've been studying art all my life.   Although I never attended art school I have attended many art classes and workshops led by some amazing artists.


I've worked in oils, watercolors, and acrylic.  Each medium is amazing on its own.  Oils are rich and colorful.  Watercolors are spontaneous and loose.  Acrylics are bright and cheerful and for me, graphite's specialty is realism. 


The Pet Portraits are my primary focus and bring joy to so many pet owners   As I scroll through my portfolio, I remember every drawing.  I remember their names, their stories, and the loved ones that commissioned the artwork.  For me as an artist and animal lover, there is nothing more rewarding than knowing my artwork lives on in someone’s life.




Debbie radicchi watercolor artist studio.jpg
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Ocala, FL


Philadelphia, PA

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